Chris is an Anglican priest and a trained Spiritual Director in both the Ignatian tradition, and in other more general practice of the art of Spiritual Direction. Her aim is to accompany you where you are in your own spiritual journey. So if you stay in the hermitage you are welcome to ask for spiritual companionship during that time. It is also possible to use that time as an Ignatian retreat if you wish. Equally you can have a quiet day, on your own or with a group. This can either be one you organise yourself, or one that Chris will arrange.
Chris has edited and written books that underline her passion both for the environment and for the spiritual journey.
- “Eggs and Ashes” was co-edited with Ruth Burgess, and contains a six week environmental Lent discipline.
- “A Heart for Creation” is a collection of prayers, poems, stories, liturgy and reflections all on the environmental issues that confront us. The book is arranged in themes which reflect the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, though you don’t have to know about them to appreciate the contents. The first section is about celebrating creation, its beauty and the wonder of it; the second about lamenting the damage we have done, unknowingly in the past; the third about the action we can take for change, and included in this is a six week challenge, for lent or any other period of time you choose. The fourth section is about the struggle to change, and the last section about transformation, both wished for and stories where change has made a good difference.
- “In the Mists on the shore line” is a book that reflects on spiritual experience, something we rarely discuss, using people’s actual experience.
- “A Pilgrim’s Guide to Iona Abbey”, is just that, using the Iona Community’s stories and gives a spiritual perspective to complement Historic Scotland tours.
Chris has also contributed to many books published by Wild Goose Publishing. www.ionabooks.com